Blessing in disguise

Daniel Luna 

Image by Petr Ganaj (Pixabay)

Omar, a twelve-year-old boy, his brown eyes large, hefty as the earth itself, carries tales of resilience. His hair, black as a raven’s wing, coils into tight curls that mimic the sloppy paths he navigates daily. His lips, round and chapped by the relentless sun, seldom separate for words, speak volumes about his toughness. And his nose, broad, flat, and evocative of Emilio Aguinaldo, mirrors his strong heritage. An orphan, void of the warmth of familial ties, stands alone in his struggle for survival. He became his own savior, grappling daily to secure his basic needs. He barely managed to eat even once a day.

He lives in a small house, or we say kubo in Filipino language, nestled in the heart of the slums. Standing steadfast, an island of resilience amidst a sea of hardship, crafted from wood, bamboo, and nipa, the house’s skeletal structure is composed of seasoned wood that bears the weight of years and stories. The wood, weathered by time and elements, carries a patina of age, its grain a roadmap of survival against adversity. Encasing this wooden frame are walls of bamboo, woven together with the precision of a master craftsperson. Each bamboo stalk, standing side by side, mirrors the close-knit community of the slums, individual yet intertwined. The walls, a patchwork quilt of bamboo, provide a shield against the world. Crowning the house is a roof of nipa leaves, a thatched tapestry of nature’s own design. The leaves overlap like scales on a dragon, forming a protective shell against the tropical rain and sun.

One day, in the heart of the mangrove forest, Omar chanced upon a small, black creature. It had four stubby legs, a face and tail elongated like the waning crescent moon, and tiny, pointed fangs that added an intriguing intensity to its tiny form. At first, Omar feigned ignorance, treating the creature’s presence as an illusion. Yet, the persistent creature trailed him like a loyal spaniel, never baring its fangs or displaying any hint of aggression. This unexpected peacefulness made Omar pause, and he cast a speculative glance at the small reptile. A thought fluttered in his mind. Could he adopt this creature? Although void of reason, the thought seemed comforting. As if fate had conspired to make this meeting happen, Omar stumbled upon a small, white plastic container nearby. With a soft sigh, Omar gently bent his knees, lowering himself to the ground. With one hand steady on the container and the other cautiously reaching for the crocodile, he prepared to lift the creature. To his relief, the crocodile remained docile, allowing the boy to gently cradle it into its new home.

Omar diligently fed the crocodile with the fish he caught, oblivious to the weight of the circumstances surrounding his decision to bring it into his humble home. Forgotten were the whispers of caution that echoed through the community—a warning against welcoming such a dreaded creature. The history of tragedies and lives lost to the jaws of crocodiles seemed a distant memory to Omar, submerged beneath his newly found connection with this unconventional companion. As the crocodile became a part of Omar’s life, remarkable changes began to unravel. An unseen tapestry of blessings unfurled before him, woven by the hands of anonymous benefactors. Food materialized in his hands, offered freely by strangers amidst the community. Even financial support, an unimaginable luxury in his past, appeared, easing the burdens that once bore heavily upon his young shoulders. Omar, brimming with joy and gratitude, attributed these blessings to the presence of the crocodile. Little did Omar know, his happiness was not solely derived from his crocodile companion, but also from the ripple effect he had unknowingly set in motion. The act of embracing the despised creature had stirred dormant empathy and generosity from their community, reminding them of the power of compassion and solidarity. The blessings continued to flow, not solely for Omar, but in the awakening of shared humanity within the hearts of those around him.

Years passed, Omar already an 18-year-old, had managed to renovate his house into a sturdier and more resilient kubo. However, he never anticipated that someone would discover the existence of the crocodile residing within his humble abode. One evening, a man roughly four times older than Omar grew envious of the blessings bestowed upon him. Consumed by jealousy, the man found an opportunity to sneak into Omar’s house with the intent to steal. Omar was absent at that time, occupied with the task of procuring a large container to provide a better home for the growing crocodile. The man cautiously entered the house, quietly opening the door. To his astonishment, he was met with a sight that struck him with fear. The crocodile had grown exponentially, now twice the size it was when Omar had adopted it. There was no container to confine it; Omar had allowed the creature to freely roam on the wooden floor. Overwhelmed by shock, the man found himself unable to utter a single word. Shaken to the core, he hastily retreated, leaving the door open, and uttered a single word in the local language, “Buwaya” — a term that means crocodile, filled with terror and alarm.

That fateful night, Omar remained unaware of the harrowing scene he was about to witness. As he glanced outside his home, an unsettling sight greeted him—people had gathered, clutching long, thick, and flat knives, their torches casting an eerie glow. His face drained of color, his heart raced in his chest, and myriad speculations raced through his mind as he stood just a short distance away. He felt a jolt of panic, thoughts racing through his mind. “Had those people discovered the existence of the crocodile? Were they aware that he had been living alongside the creature? The crocodile must have sensed the impending danger, he thought, it must have found a way to escape.” The weight of uncertainty pressed upon him as he contemplated the potential consequences. Questions swirled in his mind, intertwining with fear and apprehension. Had he been exposed? Would he too become a target of their wrath and animosity? Omar’s heart pounded in his chest as he grappled with the unknown fate of both himself and his once-trusted companion.

Without a moment’s hesitation, Omar’s instincts kicked in, urging him to rush toward his house. Pushing past the crowd, he fought his way to the center where a circle of onlookers had formed. His eyes welled up with unshed tears, his hands trembling uncontrollably as he beheld the devastating scene before him. The crocodile, once his cherished companion, bore multiple cruel stabs covering its rear. The ghastly sight tore at Omar’s soul as he struggled to comprehend the cruelty that unfolded before his eyes. A cacophony of voices erupted around him, the crowd unleashing a torrent of hurtful words. Shouts pierced the air, blending with scornful remarks aimed directly at him. They chastised him for his perceived recklessness and immaturity, emphasizing the inherent danger of harboring such a creature. The weight of their condemnation hung heavy in the atmosphere as if every syllable carried the weight of their collective disdain. Yet, amidst the verbal assault, Omar remained resolute, his determination unshaken. Ignoring the vitriol, Omar steadily approached the lifeless body of the crocodile. With tear-stained cheeks and a voice wrought with anguish, he pressed himself against the slain creature, mourning the loss of both a companion and the hope it represented. His hands clutched onto the crocodile’s head, seeking solace and offering a final act of tenderness in the face of overwhelming despair. In this heart-wrenching moment, he allowed himself to release his anguish, grieving loudly for the bond that had been abruptly severed.