The Most Joyous Embrace

Ahmed Hataman

I enter their chambers,
Every night that I can,
And as the rest of the world falls silent,
cause one last, selfish interruption

I softly lean in, tired as they are
kiss their cheek
And quietly, as I leave
Say, “Love you, salaam”

Only then can I sleep,
Only then can I rest,
For if the Creator decides
to take them before dawn
They will at least know
All is forgiven, only thanks is left
And they would have felt my love
before the end

That day will come,
Of this I am aware,
Unless the Lord of the Worlds,
Decides to take me first

Until then,
I enter their chambers,
Every night without fail
Praying if they’re gone by morning,
I would see them again.
At the end of it all, I could run to them –
wrap them both in my arms,
And it would not matter if I held on
For the next thousand years.